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Thursday, September 19

7:00am CDT

Breakfast, Registration & Exhibitor Time
Thursday September 19, 2024 7:00am - 7:50am CDT
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Thursday September 19, 2024 7:00am - 7:50am CDT
14th Floor Foyer + Wolf Point 15th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza, Chicago, IL, USA

7:55am CDT

zSpace Demonstration
Thursday September 19, 2024 7:55am - 8:10am CDT
avatar for Michael Carbenia

Michael Carbenia

Sr. Executive Director, Workforce, zSpace
Thursday September 19, 2024 7:55am - 8:10am CDT
Sauganash - 14th Floor 350 W Wolf Point Plaza Building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

8:10am CDT

Opening General Session
Thursday September 19, 2024 8:10am - 8:55am CDT
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avatar for Michael Connet

Michael Connet

Associate Deputy Executive Director - Outreach & Partnerships, Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)
Executive responsible for furthering the goals and success of large national membership organizations by overseeing programs, professional development for non-profit and corporate community relations organizations. Diverse background including work with national, state, local, government... Read More →

Sophia Alston

Senior Manager of Postsecondary CTE, ACTE
avatar for Juan Salgado

Juan Salgado

Chancellor, City Colleges of Chicago
Chancellor Juan Salgado has focused his career on improving education and economic opportunities for residents in low-income communities. As Chancellor of City Colleges of Chicago, he oversees Chicago’s community college system, serving more than 60,000 students across seven colleges... Read More →
avatar for Kenyatta Lovett

Kenyatta Lovett

Principal of Postsecondary Attainment, Education Strategy Group
Kenyatta Lovett serves as Principal of Postsecondary Attainment at the Education Strategy Group. Under his portfolio he leads strategies to set goals and improve attainment, noncredit-to-credit strategies, adult attainment, and credit mobility.Kenyatta Lovett served as the Managing... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 8:10am - 8:55am CDT
Sauganash - 14th Floor 350 W Wolf Point Plaza Building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

8:55am CDT

Break / Transition to Presentations - Sponsor / Exhibitor Walk
Thursday September 19, 2024 8:55am - 9:10am CDT
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Thursday September 19, 2024 8:55am - 9:10am CDT
14th Floor Foyer 350 West Wolf Point Plaza building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

9:10am CDT

Embedding the Best of Competency-Based Education into a Lock-Step Course
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:10am - 10:10am CDT
Join us as we explore how simple modifications can foster a more dynamic and inclusive learning environment where every student has the opportunity to excel. In this presentation, we will explore the seamless integration of Competency-Based Education (CBE) principles into a lock-step class structure. By marrying the flexibility of CBE with the structure of a lock-step course, we offer students the chance to remain in the formative phase until they demonstrate proficiency. Our focus will be on practical strategies to adapt assignment prompts, rubrics, and grading methods to ensure students acquire targeted skills effectively. These adjustments empower students to progress at their own pace while maintaining the integrity of the course framework. Together, let us shape a technical education that is not only rigorous but also responsive to individual learning needs.
avatar for Kari Lamoreaux

Kari Lamoreaux

Professor, Utah State University
With over 20 years in technical education as a post-secondary business teacher, administrator, and curriculum developer, Kari Lamoreaux bridges classroom theory with real-world application. Her research emphasizes empowering students to blend technical skills with essential human... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:10am - 10:10am CDT
Bull's Head - 14th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza, Chicago, IL, USA

9:10am CDT

Navigating Students’ Pathways: Embracing AI/AR/VR's Role in Career Exploration
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:10am - 10:10am CDT
Discover how educational leaders across the US use creative approaches including AI, AR, and VR to engage and inspire students. This session will highlight how students at State Fair Community College research, learn, and experience a variety of concepts and the associated career pathways in STEM, Health Science, Advanced Manufacturing, Agri-Science, Transportation and more. Based on this exploration, students are able to develop plans for post-secondary study and/or earn valuable certifications.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the AI/AR/VR landscape and its role in supporting STEM curriculum and CTE certifications
- Discover clinical evidence supporting learning gains through learning with AR/VR
- Consider funding sources for the integration of new technology
avatar for Michael Carbenia

Michael Carbenia

Sr. Executive Director, Workforce, zSpace

Rochelle Hockett

Director, Career Services, State Fair Community College
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:10am - 10:10am CDT
Merchants - 14th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza, Chicago, IL, USA

9:10am CDT

Normalizing Education & Opportunity in a New Landscape for CTE in Prison
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:10am - 10:10am CDT
In July 2023, the 1.2 million people incarcerated in prisons across the U.S may now be eligible for Pell grants. This is a historic moment for colleges to increase the number of postsecondary education programs offered in prisons and reimagine career pathways for learners who are incarcerated by implementing CTE programs that lead to quality jobs. Research shows that people who participate in CTE in prison improved their odds of post-release employment by 12% and reduced their odds of recidivism by 16%. This workshop will highlight promising practices emerging from Jobs for the Futures’ Postsecondary Education in Prison CTE Accelerator Network, a community of practice that pairs colleges with subject matter experts to develop, adapt, and scale quality, credit-bearing CTE programs in prison. Workshop attendees will hear from one network member, the Director of Prison Education at Amarillo College, who will share how they implemented an Intermediate Diesel Mechanic Certificate Program in a state prison facility. After the workshop, participants will understand the importance of providing CTE options for people who are incarcerated; familiar challenges faced when implementing CTE programs in prison; and viable solutions and critical actions for success, including partnership and learner engagement and creative funding strategies.

Dr. Lori Petty

Director, Center for Teaching and Learning, Amarillo College

Tara Smith

Senior Program Manager, Jobs for the Future
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:10am - 10:10am CDT
Sauganash - 14th Floor 350 W Wolf Point Plaza Building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

9:10am CDT

Strengthening the Foundation: The Collective Responsibilities of ALL-Employees in Retaining Senior CTE Leaders
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:10am - 10:10am CDT
The importance of retaining skilled and effective administrators cannot be overstated in higher education institutions. The retention of senior leaders within an organization is crucial for its stability, growth, and long-term success. Administrators play a vital role in shaping campus culture, fostering a supportive environment, and advancing the institution's goals. However, the responsibility for their retention should not solely rest on the shoulders of top-level administrators or human resources departments. It is a collective responsibility that extends to the entire campus community, including faculty, staff, and support personnel. This presentation explores the critical role that overall campus employees play in ensuring the successful retention of administrators. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of all stakeholders in creating an environment that supports those in senior leadership positions and encourages their long-term commitment to the institution. By understanding their shared responsibility, employees can actively contribute to retention efforts, fostering a culture of support, collaboration, and professional growth. The concept of shared responsibility for retention could be viewed as an innovative approach in itself. It broadens the traditional view of retention being solely an HR or top-level administration issue and instead promotes a culture of support and collaboration across all levels of the institution.
avatar for Dimitria A. Harding

Dimitria A. Harding

Provost and Chief Campus Officer, Perry Health Sciences, Wake Technical Community College
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:10am - 10:10am CDT
Steam Boat - 14th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza, Chicago, IL, USA

9:10am CDT

Unlocking Opportunities: Exploring Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:10am - 10:10am CDT
This session will enlighten participants about the significance of CPL in education. Attendees will learn how CPL acknowledges, and rewards knowledge and skills acquired through non-traditional avenues like work experience and self-directed study. Key topics include the principles and practices of CPL, its benefits for learners and institutions, best practices, and challenges. Participants will gain insights into designing, implementing, and evaluating CPL programs, fostering stakeholder collaboration. By reducing time to degree completion and lowering costs, CPL enhances workforce readiness and promotes lifelong learning. Through case studies and discussions, attendees will understand how CPL aligns with institutional access and equity goals. The session's impact on the field of education will be profound. It will empower educators, administrators, and policymakers to embrace CPL as a tool for educational attainment and social mobility. By catalyzing innovation and collaboration, the presentation will enhance the accessibility, affordability, and relevance of higher education.
avatar for Kendrah Winters-Pearson

Kendrah Winters-Pearson

Executive Director of Technical Programs, Kentucky Community & Technical College System
Kendrah Winters-Pearson, EdD, is the Executive Director of Technical Programs for the Kentucky Community & Technical College System, where she supports the technical program curriculum committees, credit for prior learning, and work-based learning. Her doctoral degree is in Career... Read More →
avatar for Dallas Kratzer

Dallas Kratzer

Senior Fellow, Academy Excellence and Student Success, KY Council on Post-secondary Education
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:10am - 10:10am CDT
Western Stage - 14th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

10:10am CDT

Break / Transition to Presentations - Sponsor / Exhibitor Walk
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:10am - 10:30am CDT

Thursday September 19, 2024 10:10am - 10:30am CDT
14th Floor Foyer 350 West Wolf Point Plaza building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

10:30am CDT

Career Exploration in Healthcare, Construction Trades, and IT: Challenges & Opportunities
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
For many students, exposure to postsecondary career pathways that can lead to a living wage is not happening until senior year in high school. They need more effective support along the work-based learning continuum, at a much earlier stage, so they can make informed decisions about their future. Four leaders at the intersection of education and workforce development delve into some of the innovations and promising programs they have been involved with, to provide students with earlier and more hands-on practice across the construction trades, healthcare, and IT industries. They will discuss a summer immersive CTE experience at Microsoft that amplifies career exploration; workshops for students interested in Propel America’s accelerated postsecondary training program in allied health; the Chicago Public Schools' innovative Health Science Pathway; and CPS’ approach to broadening understanding among school counselors and students about construction trade pathways. They will share insights from the perspectives of students, teachers and counselors, district leaders, and employers, about the need for deeper engagement with career opportunities; the importance of cultivating employer partnerships across industries; preparing for the emergence of AI; and broader recognition of persistent obstacles. Lastly, they will share recommendations on policy changes to improve postsecondary CTE outcomes.
avatar for Rita Cardenas

Rita Cardenas

Career Connected Pathway Specialist, Chicago Public Schools
avatar for Mariana Saucedo

Mariana Saucedo

Senior Director of Program Innovation & Design, Propel America
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
Merchants - 14th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza, Chicago, IL, USA

10:30am CDT

Creating a classroom culture of well-being and self-advocacy
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
Have you noticed students falling behind, disengaging, and checking out of your class and their learning? Come participate in a Gallery Walk of strategies to keep students engaged and active in their own success. Participants will explore ten diverse mindsets and strategies to promote student well-being and self-advocacy. Focusing on curiosity and student agency, in this session, you will be actively engaged in directing your own exploration and contributions to the strategies being shared. Participants will leave with an aspirational vision of how to foster a sense of well-being for ALL students, a plan for prioritizing their own self-care (you have to secure your own mask before helping others!), and a toolkit of resources, including those gathered by the presenters as well as those shared by attendees in the session.
avatar for Nicole Hampton

Nicole Hampton

Northern Arizona University
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
Steam Boat - 14th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza, Chicago, IL, USA

10:30am CDT

Empowering Justice-Involved Individuals through CTE Opportunities
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
In recent years, the importance of providing education and training opportunities to incarcerated individuals has been increasingly recognized as a key strategy for reducing recidivism and promoting successful reentry into society. This presentation will explore the crucial role of career and technical education (CTE) for justice-involved populations, both within correctional facilities and in community settings. By examining innovative strategies and hands-on activities, this session aims to equip participants with practical insights to support the reintegration of justice-involved individuals through education and skill development. Emphasis will be placed on building robust partnerships with community organizations, governmental agencies, and employers to enhance the impact and reach of postsecondary CTE programs. Attendees will learn how to leverage these partnerships to foster successful reintegration and academic success for justice-involved individuals.
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
Western Stage - 14th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

10:30am CDT

I am ready to teach…Why are my students not ready to learn?
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
The focus of this presentation is to examine and connect Social-Emotional Learning to learning readiness in the CTE Classroom. Illustration and discussion will be part of the presentation to help faculty to become more engaged in recognizing when their content materials are not meeting the expectations of the learner, though well-grounded in the topic of the day. We will examine barriers to engagement and success and mindfully discuss best practices to engage the lens of the student perspective and what that means to the learning experience. Interactive discussion during the session period will coalesce attendee’s common issues in the CTE Classoom engagement experience and explore the experiences of the attendees to share and critically think their remedies and dialogue their concerns. The expectation is that those attendees will leave with a more profound view of their teaching methods and a broader lens of what the diverse nature of the CTE classroom members require for engagement. Brain-Based Learning strategies will be presented for consideration.
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
Bull's Head - 14th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza, Chicago, IL, USA

10:30am CDT

The Evolving Role of Community Colleges in Evolving Apprenticeship Models
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
As the landscape of apprenticeship models in Maryland undergoes transformation, the role of postsecondary partners is swiftly evolving. Historically, Maryland's community colleges have had limited involvement in youth apprenticeships at the high school level. However, there is a growing recognition of the imperative for these institutions to step into this space, providing relevant, high-quality instruction to high school students. Community colleges in Maryland are not only beginning to offer related instruction to high schoolers but are also actively developing pathways for students to transition seamlessly into adult registered apprenticeships. These innovative apprenticeship programs enable students to concurrently work towards an associate degree while gaining invaluable experience through employment with an industry partner. Hosted by the Maryland State Department of Education, this session will delve into various aspects of Maryland's evolving apprenticeship landscape. Attendees can expect insights into Maryland's former youth apprenticeship model, the newly adopted apprenticeship framework, and how dual enrollment and early college initiatives can align with work-based learning. Furthermore, the presentation will provide data-driven insights into how high school students are accessing the workforce through apprenticeships and associate degrees, shedding light on the effectiveness and impact of these programs on both students and industry partners.

Jennifer Griffin

Coordinator, Apprenticeships and Industry-Recognized Credentials, Maryland State Department of Education

Scott Nichols

Coordinator, Postsecondary Programs, Maryland State Department of Education

Kellise Williamson

Postsecondary Credit and P-TECH Coordinator, Maryland State Department of Education
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
Sauganash - 14th Floor 350 W Wolf Point Plaza Building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

11:30am CDT

Panel I: Better Together: Building a Strong Pipeline from Adult Education to Postsecondary CTE
Thursday September 19, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm CDT
Discover how Adult Education serves as a vital link between postsecondary education, workforce development, and community colleges. Gain insights from our panel of experts who lead dynamic and innovative CTE feeder programs, driving tangible outcomes and empowering learners for success in the evolving job market.

Kristin Hempel, Director of Adult and Community Programs, EASTCONN, Coalition for Adult and Basic Education (COABE) Region 1 Representative
Olivia De La Rosa, Director of Professional and Workforce Education, South Texas College
William Durden, Director for Basic Education for Adults (BEdA), Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
Laurie Kierstead-Joseph, Acting Vice President of Pima Community College’s Adult Basic Education for College and Career Division.

Laurie Kierstead-Joseph

Assistant Vice Chancellor, Pima Community College - Adult Basic Education for College & Career
Thursday September 19, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm CDT
Sauganash - 14th Floor 350 W Wolf Point Plaza Building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

12:30pm CDT

Thursday September 19, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm CDT
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Thursday September 19, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm CDT
Sauganash - 14th Floor 350 W Wolf Point Plaza Building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

1:30pm CDT

Panel II: Scaling Career-Connected Learning for Chicago Youth: The Chicago Roadmap
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Students at Chicago Public Schools (CPS) at all levels of qualifications struggle to navigate the daunting process of enrolling and persisting in college. In 2019, CPS and City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) created the Chicago Roadmap – an unprecedented partnership aimed at supporting students along a seamless path to and through college on the way to their chosen careers. Today, students have access to youth apprenticeships and an early college and CTE curriculum in high-demand career fields such as healthcare, manufacturing, IT and construction beginning their freshman year. Students also have the opportunity to earn up to 15 college credits and industry recognized certifications before graduating high school. CPS and CCC have transformed their relationship from a successful collaboration to full convergence. By expanding access to high-quality programs, advising and supports, they strive to dramatically and equitably increase student outcomes in postsecondary readiness, enrollment, persistence, degree attainment and employment.

Chandler Meyer-Brown, Director of CTE, Chicago Public Schools
Pedro Martinez, CEO, Chicago Public Schools
Juan Salgado, Chancellor, City Colleges of Chicago
Dr. Peggy Korellis, Vice Chancellor - High School Strategy, City College of Chicago
Bernadette Limos, Director of Chicago Roadmap,Chicago Public Schools

avatar for Juan Salgado

Juan Salgado

Chancellor, City Colleges of Chicago
Chancellor Juan Salgado has focused his career on improving education and economic opportunities for residents in low-income communities. As Chancellor of City Colleges of Chicago, he oversees Chicago’s community college system, serving more than 60,000 students across seven colleges... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Sauganash - 14th Floor 350 W Wolf Point Plaza Building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

2:30pm CDT

Break / Transition to Presentations - Sponsor / Exhibitor Walk
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:30pm - 2:45pm CDT

Thursday September 19, 2024 2:30pm - 2:45pm CDT
14th Floor Foyer 350 West Wolf Point Plaza building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

2:45pm CDT

Business Engagement Strategies: What Works? What Doesn't?
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
How do we successfully engage business beyond that annual Advisory Board meeting? As we grow apprenticeship and work-based learning opportunities throughout America, we cannot do it without industry partners that are deeply committed. This session will provide tangible tactics to implement, and is intended to create a venue for everyone in attendance to share both best practices and lessons learned.
Session Learning Objectives:
• Strategies for growing committed industry partners.
• Tactics for improving business engagement in the classroom.
• Best Practices for Engaging and Enhancing Industry Advisory Boards
• Understanding of technology tools (CRM) to enhance employer engagement
This session will help CTE educators cultivate employer partnerships that foster continuous program improvement and innovation. Notably, it shall introduce the appropriate use of technology (CRM software) in managing employer relationships.
avatar for Kevin Fleming

Kevin Fleming

CEO, CatapultMasterclass.com
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Steam Boat - 14th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza, Chicago, IL, USA

2:45pm CDT

CANCELLED: AI in Action: Equity, Ethics, and Education
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Step into a dynamic session inviting you to share your experiences with AI, delve into ethical considerations, and address biases to prevent digital divides as we prepare students for an AI driven workforce. Learn to craft compelling AI prompts with the specialized PROMPT Recipe. Begin to explore how AI can revolutionize instructional leadership, enhance operational efficiencies, uplift teaching practices, and lead to improved student postsecondary outcomes. Expect a blend of reflection, hands-on learning, and valuable takeaways, all while networking with peers and enjoying exclusive giveaways. Please arrive with your device equipped with Chat-GPT, Google Gemini, or your chatbot of choice - set up and ready to engage.
avatar for Dr. Stacie Chana

Dr. Stacie Chana

Founder, TechEd Maven Consulting
With a career spanning over 20 years in urban education leadership, Dr. Stacie Chana serves at the forefront of TechEd Maven Consulting, where educational excellence meets cutting-edge technology. In the era of the fourth and soon to be fifth industrial revolutions, she passionately... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Merchants - 14th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza, Chicago, IL, USA

2:45pm CDT

Coordinating Interinstitutional Collaboration: Supporting Opportunity for Career Technical Education Pathways across Degree-Granting Institutions
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
In a rapidly evolving job market, the importance of establishing robust career pathways by way of strong collaborative efforts across regions cannot be overstated. In this presentation Utah’s state regional pathways team aims to share with attendees the initiatives and successes in Utah regarding state alignment, region collaboration, and industry involvement across career pathways. Participants will gain insights into innovative strategies, intentional actions, and the transformative impact of cohesive efforts in building career pathways. Presentation topics include Regional Dynamics, Collaboration Across Sectors, Innovative Programs and Models, and Building a Statewide Network. This presentation will include interactive elements such as Q&A sessions, intentional networking, and opportunities for participants to share their own experiences and insights. Attendees will leave with an understanding of Utah's efforts in building effective career pathways and how to execute thoughtful collaborative actions, along with practical ideas to implement in their respective regions.
avatar for Stefanie Adams

Stefanie Adams

Director-Regional Pathways, Utah Valley University

Marci Chapman

Weber State University
avatar for Cathy Hart

Cathy Hart

Regional Pathways Manager, Southern Utah University
avatar for Dave Reiff

Dave Reiff

Regional Academic Pathways Coordinator, Utah Tech University
Connecting K>12, Technical Colleges, and degree granting institutions to jobs in demand.  An integrated approach to mapping educational entry points for youth, adults, and career change.
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Sauganash - 14th Floor 350 W Wolf Point Plaza Building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

2:45pm CDT

Expanding Career Dual Enrollment Opportunities for High School Students
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Career dual enrollment is an invaluable opportunity for high school students, and maximizing options for students requires collaboration and commitment of all stakeholders. Participants in this session will learn how a large urban school district has dramatically expanded career dual enrollment opportunities for high school students, by not only offering dual enrollment on technical college campuses, but also on campuses of our large comprehensive high schools.
In this session, we will explore the following topics:
• Program delivery models
• The process used to identify program offerings aligned with local workforce needs
• Developing a multi-year plan for implementation and growth
• Student scheduling model development
• Teacher support, including district-wide PLCs
• Administrative support and supervision
• Curriculum support
• Business partner engagement
• Overcoming funding challenges
• Incentivizing student participation in summer school
• Encouraging students to return to the technical college after graduation when needed to complete their program
avatar for Carol Tingley

Carol Tingley

Sr. Director Leader, Career and Technical Education, Orange County Public Schools
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Bull's Head - 14th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza, Chicago, IL, USA

2:45pm CDT

Reframing the Discussion about CTE Students and Postsecondary Education: Credits, Occupational Programs, and Degrees
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
This study analyzes CTE students’ transition to postsecondary education using a three-prong approach. First, it distinguishes four levels of CTE credit-taking during high school to capture any difference in school CTE offerings. Second, it focuses on occupational programs rather than taking CTE as a general and overarching category. Third, it differentiates the transition to subbacalaureate (Associate’s degree) from enrolling in Bachelor’s degree. The purpose is to show that credit-taking choices differ depending on the type of degree students will pursue, and that the impact of CTE credit-taking, along with other variables, impacts transitions to postsecondary differently, depending on the degree sought. We used two sets of logistic regression models for our analysis. The first model analyzes enrollment in postsecondary education at the Associate’s and Bachelor’s degree levels. The second set of logistic models examine whether students enroll in a similar major to the occupational program they participate in while in high school—i.e., school-to-major alignment.
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Western Stage - 14th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

3:45pm CDT

Break / Transition to Presentations - Sponsor / Exhibitor Walk
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:45pm - 4:00pm CDT

Thursday September 19, 2024 3:45pm - 4:00pm CDT
14th Floor Foyer 350 West Wolf Point Plaza building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

4:00pm CDT

Panel III: Exploring Connections between Equity, Teaching, and Student Success in Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Thursday September 19, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, the integration of equity, effective teaching practices, and student success has become paramount, particularly within Career and Technical Education (CTE). This presentation delves into the vital connections between these three elements, offering actionable insights for CTE practitioners dedicated to fostering inclusive and impactful learning environments. The session will explore how equitable access to resources, culturally responsive teaching methods, and targeted support services can bridge opportunity gaps and ensure that all students, regardless of background, are equipped to succeed in their chosen careers. We will examine practical strategies for implementing equity-focused teaching practices that not only enhance student engagement but also improve academic and career outcomes. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of how to create a CTE environment where teaching is aligned with students' diverse needs, leading to higher levels of student achievement and long-term career success.

Dr. Lorenzo Baber, Professor of Higher Education in the Department of Education, Organization, Policy and Leadership (EPOL); Director of the Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)
Dr. Gianina Baker, Associate Director of evaluation, learning, and equitable assessment at the Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)
avatar for Dr. Gianina Baker

Dr. Gianina Baker

Associate Director, Office of Community College Research & Leadership
Dr. Gianina Baker is the associate director of evaluation, learning, and equitable assessment at the Office of Community College Research and Leadership. She supports and promotes OCCRL through her project management and assists with assessment/evaluation consulting services, public... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
Sauganash - 14th Floor 350 W Wolf Point Plaza Building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

5:00pm CDT

Dig Deeper Session / Day 1 Closing Remarks
Thursday September 19, 2024 5:00pm - 6:00pm CDT
Thursday September 19, 2024 5:00pm - 6:00pm CDT
Sauganash - 14th Floor 350 W Wolf Point Plaza Building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

6:00pm CDT

Poster Presentations & PACE Networking Reception
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Sponsored by:
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Wolf Point - 15th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

6:00pm CDT

Poster 1: Implementing Change for Retention and Success Rates
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
The presentation will focus on retention and success rates. I will share how I implemented positive changes in our technology programs. I focused on changing habits, mundane rituals, leading to success, and implementing key goals to help our faculty and mentors increase student success and decrease the number of students the organization was losing each MOD. The proposed session will follow an interactive format, encouraging audience participation, discussions, and Q&A sessions. I will incorporate actual numbers and trends that occurred when implementing this change by using case studies to enhance the participant experience.
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Wolf Point - 15th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

6:00pm CDT

Poster 2: Navigating Postsecondary CTE Teacher Shortages through Exploring Recruitment and Retention
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
This session examines the pervasive challenges of faculty shortages within postsecondary Career and Technical Education (CTE), with a particular focus on recruitment and retention strategies. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the multifaceted issues contributing to these shortages and explore evidence-based solutions that have been gathered from survey data; with 96% of respondents fully completing the survey (N=477, n=456) involving CTE educators across various institutions. The presentation will detail the recruitment techniques participants report to attract highly skilled professionals to the CTE teaching field. We will also discuss findings around retention strategies, such as the development of supportive community networks, enhancement of professional development opportunities, and the implementation of competitive benefits packages. Attendees will leave the session equipped with actionable insights and strategies to apply within their own institutions. We will offer recommendations for future research aimed at those who wish to further contribute to resolving the CTE teacher shortage, enhancing both practical approaches and scholarly understanding of this critical issue. This presentation aims to significantly impact the field by providing the tools necessary to effectively address faculty shortages, thereby strengthening the quality of CTE programs and contributing to the broader educational landscape.

Sophia Alston

Senior Manager of Postsecondary CTE, ACTE
avatar for Dr. Michelle Bartlett

Dr. Michelle Bartlett

Old Dominion Universityy
Michelle Bartlett, Assistant Professor at Old Dominion University,  received her Ph.D. at Clemson University in Higher Education Leadership with a cognate in statistics. Michelle was the past editor for the Career and Technical Education Research (CTER) Journal. She currently serves... Read More →

Michelle Conrad

Associate Professor, CTE Graduate Program Coordinator, University of Central Missouri
avatar for Brandon Hensley

Brandon Hensley

Dean of Career and Technical Education, McDowell Technical Community College
Brandon Hensley serves as the Dean of Career and Technical Education at McDowell Technical Community College (MTCC). With a keen focus on continuous personal and professional development, he is a Ph.D. Candidate in Workforce and Organizational Development at Old Dominion University... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Wolf Point - 15th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

6:00pm CDT

Poster 3: Beyond the Classroom: Cultivating Success Through External Partnerships
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
This poster presentation will demonstrate the fundamental role that external partnerships play in elevating educational experiences and promoting student success. The display will feature visual and textual elements that the College’s Adult Basic Education program uses for active on-going approaches to grow and sustain partnerships with community organizations, businesses, higher education institutions, and other stakeholders. Through an engaging and informative presentation, attendees will gain insights into best practices, challenges, and success stories associated with these collaborations that have been beneficial for our program in meeting the College’s strategic, department and program goals.
avatar for Rigieta Lord

Rigieta Lord

Dean- Workforce, Adult and Vocational Education Services, College of the Marshall Islands
A Pacific educator and a strong CTE advocate who has served both a secondary and postsecondary institutions as a teacher and administrator. Was selected in 2022 into Cohort 4 of the ACTE NextLevel Postsecondary CTE Fellowship Program and a member of the Guam ACTE. Advocates for current... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Wolf Point - 15th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

6:00pm CDT

Poster 4: Scaling CTE for Accessibility and Stackable Credentials
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Virginia’s Community Colleges have implemented numerous types of state aid to support low-income students in attaining stackable credentials and career pathways into sustainability. Along with other state funding to support capacity building and the addition of 21st Century Learning Spaces, many colleges, such as Northern Virginia Community College, have modified programs to meet the needs of working adults while addressing labor shortages. One such program is their Stacked Credential Practical Nursing program, which includes hyflex opportunities for online learning and embedded short-term workforce credentials for accelerated pathways into employment and higher wages for working students.
Session participants will learn about pay-for-performance funding models for CTE, outcomes of this funding and stackable credentials, funding and efforts to expand prison education programs and stackable credentials for the justice-impacted population to include our Higher Education for Justice-Impacted Individuals Consortium, and how to model the accelerated Practical Nursing program to better serve working adults, increase credential attainment.
avatar for JoAnna Collins

JoAnna Collins

Faculty/Program Coordinator, Northern Virginia Community College
avatar for Dr. Angela Lawhorne

Dr. Angela Lawhorne

Director of CTE & Workforce Partnerships, Virginia Community College System
Dr. Angela Lawhorne has 11 years of experience in higher education and over 20 years in workforce development. She serves as the Director of Career Education Programs & Workforce Partnerships with the Virginia Community College System Office (VCCS). Prior experience includes assistant... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Wolf Point - 15th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA

6:00pm CDT

Poster 5: Using data from professional knowledge credentialing for quality professional development to improve teacher retention
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
CTE professionals are in an educational class by themselves and require a different set of pedagogical skills and background knowledge. A high percentage of CTE teachers are recruited directly from industry, and schools face on-boarding and ongoing professional development for a very diversely prepared population. Validating and credentialing CTE professional knowledge has benefits for both schools and individuals and can be used to develop professional development plans that are based on a data-driven gap analysis. Northern Arizona University will share its pilot experiences using the NOCTI nationally validated CTE teaching assessments, which include topics such as student management, instructional delivery, student assessment, employer relationships, and instructional improvement in its teacher-educator program. NAU’s experience will be translated into integrating the assessment data from these credentials into educator professional development plans to target areas for improvement of teacher professional knowledge with the goal of increasing teacher retention. Administrators of CTE programs can use this validated and normed assessment tool as part of data-driven professional development to target and promote quality CTE programs of study through prepared and effective program staff.
avatar for Nicole Hampton

Nicole Hampton

Northern Arizona University
avatar for Kathleen Mcnally

Kathleen Mcnally

Chief Executive Officer, NOCTI
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Wolf Point - 15th Floor 350 West Wolf Point Plaza building 1, Chicago, IL 60654, USA
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